Thursday, November 22, 2012

Need to make a Linux Kickstart iso?

I work with Linux on a daily basis.  I'm also fortunate to have a good grasp on how to build servers and most of my co-workers, aside from a few, have trusted me to make most of the servers.  It's a pain having to use a windows server just to mount the ISO to get the process started.  Also if you're working from a longer distance away the size of that ISO burdens your connection. Behold the necessary steps to make a tiny ISO of just what you need to get the process started!

How to create a kickstart ISO boot disk for RedHat

1) logon as root
2) create a directory name bootdisk/RHEL
mkdir -p bootdisk/RHEL
3) copy the directory isolinux from your RedHat DVD or other location containing RedHat binaries in bootdisk/RHEL
example: cp -R /mnt/isolinux/* ~/bootdisk/RHEL/
4) change direcotry to ~/bootdisk/RHEL/
cd ~/bootdisk/RHEL/
5) create (or copy) your ks.cfg  (it will be discussed  later in another post how to create a kickstart file) in ~/bootdisk/RHEL/
example: cp ks.cfg ~/bootdisk/RHEL/
6) Now, you can create the ISO boot disk as follow (make sure you run the command from ~/bootdisk/RHEL/) :
mkisofs -r -T -J -V “RedHat KSBoot” -b isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -v -o linuxboot.iso .
7) Burn your iso linuxboot.iso into a blank cd-rom or mount it as it is on a Virtual Machine for example
8) At linux boot prompt, type the following command:
linux ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg
if you need to install using a specific IP address using a specific Ks boot device, type the following:
linux ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg append ip=<IPaddress> netmask=<netmask> ksdevice=<NICx>
example: linux ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg append ip= netmask= ksdevice=eth0
9) your are done!

1 comment:

  1. Used this once again today! Glad I've started putting things up here. It's my own KB!
